Your holistic number☯️
Your holistic number represents the total sum of the numbers of your birth day, month, and year. This number reveals your life purpose or challenge with its positive and negative attributes. By understanding your holistic number, you can come to a greater level of self-awareness. Calculating your holistic number is a simple process. All you need to do is add all the digits together one by one. For example: June 28, 1956 (6/28/1956) = 6 + 2 + 8 + 1 + 9 + 5 + 6 = 37 = 3 + 7= 10 =1 + 0 = 1. Your holistic number is 1, which can also be read as 37/1. The Nine Basic Numbers The quality of each of the nine basic numbers can have a positive or negative expression on people’s personalities, depending on how they approach their life challenges. 1️⃣ The number 1 dynamic is conscious. The positive attributes of number 1 are self-assurance, creativity, singularity, and independence. If your holistic number is 1, it suggests that you are inventive and full of vitality, ambition, and d...