The Houses of Astrology☸️
Hello everyone!🤗 I hope you are doing well, and you are full of happiness and energy🙏🏼
We have already managed to comprehend a certain part of astrology, but we continue further. Since we have no time flat, today I will tell you about the Houses of astrology, one of the most interesting topics😀 So, let us begin💫
Ancient astrologers divided life into different categories. They understood that the life path consists of many activities and emotions, work, ambitions, hopes and dreams, and relationships.
Your horoscope - a map of your personality - consists of all twelve Houses. Here, starting with the first, are the characteristics of the twelve Houses of the horoscope. Once you have compiled your horoscope (you can see my previous post), you will have a clearer understanding of what the Houses of astrology mean in your life.
The Houses of Astrology:

1️⃣FIRST HOUSE This is the House of Self. It is the most personal and strongest House in your chart, as it symbolizes you - your manners, style, character, and temperament. It is the House of your outward behavior, your likes, and dislikes. The First House shows both how you present yourself to others and how the outside world sees you. It often points to your physical characteristics, especially your head and facial features. Sometimes it is called the House of Self-Interest, it indicates what you want in life and how you achieve it. The place in your chart where this House begins is the most important point in your horoscope because it determines where all other Houses will go. In astrology, the First House is seen as a giant lens through which the rest of your chart is seen and interpreted.
2️⃣SECOND HOUSE This is the House of Money and Property. It is connected with what you own in life and what you will acquire, with your income and financial prospects. It is the House of movable property, the things you physically take with you as you move through life. The second house also speaks to how you feel about money and property and gives a clue as to what objects you like to surround yourself with. To some extent, it gives insight into your earning power and ability to handle money. The second house often shows which activities and projects can become a profitable source of income and be on a roll for you.
3️⃣THIRD HOUSE This is the House of Communication. The third house is related to your immediate environment in three main areas: self-expression, family ties, and daily travel. This house governs how you think, speak and write. Logic, memory, and manual skills are in their sphere. The third house often indicates the education you received at an early age and your capacity for learning and cognition. Your relationships with siblings, aunts and uncles, cousins, and neighbors are part of the influence of this house. Short-term trips and vehicles for this type of travel are ruled by the Third House - especially those you make for work or study.
6️⃣SIXTH HOUSE This is the House of Service and Health. Often called the House of Service to Others, it indicates your need to help others and be useful in the world. In ancient times, it ruled the attitude of a person toward servants and those who are lower in rank. In modern times, this House governs your relationships with the people you work with, with those who are subordinate, and with your employers. The sixth house also relates to your health and is especially concerned with illnesses caused by anxiety or emotional disorders. This House often indicates whether you have a strong or fragile constitution, as well as what diseases you may be prone to.
7️⃣SEVENTH HOUSE This is the House of Partnership and Marriage. On a personal level, it concerns your spouse and the life partner you choose. It often indicates the kind of marriage you will have and whether you can divorce or remarry. It is your House of partnership, not only in marriage, but also in work, business, legal affairs, and sometimes politics. It encompasses legal alliances or contracts you enter into, as well as both sides of an issue or dispute. The seventh house concerns your ability to work harmoniously with others. Paradoxically, it also rules what astrologers call your open enemies, those who are usually your adversaries in the business or professional world. The Seventh House is opposite the First House of the Self; here you combine your personality with others to pursue common goals.
9️⃣NINTH HOUSE This is the House of Mental Exploration and Long Distance Travel. The Ninth House can be seen as an extension of the Third House; learning, travel, and mental pursuits are expanded in the Ninth House to a much broader plane. It is the House of the higher mind. Under its rule are higher education, philosophy, and in-depth study of deep subjects. Long journeys of both mind and physical body are controlled by this House. This applies both to actual travel to foreign lands and business interests in other countries. It governs meetings with foreigners that broaden your horizons, as well as the study of languages. The ninth house rules your public expression of ideas and is therefore the house of publishing and literary activities.
🔟TENTH HOUSE This is the House of Career and Public Standing. Its opposite house (the Fourth House) governs the home; the Tenth House governs all matters outside the home - your profession, your status in society, your social reputation. It is called the House of ambition, aspiration, and achievement. This house also shows the respect you are held in by others. The tenth house reflects your image, which is manifested in the power, position, and honors you can achieve. It is the outward expression of your talents, how you take responsibility, and the place you have reached through your efforts. This house has a great influence on your material success in life.
1️⃣1️⃣ELEVENTH HOUSE This is the House of Friends and Hopes and Wishes. Unlike the opposite Fifth House with its concern for immediate gratification, the Eleventh House is associated with long-term dreams and goals, as well as intellectual pleasures. This house rules your participation in groups and organizations that are related to your work, profession, or family. Clubs, societies, or political associations to which you belong are under its rule. This House often indicates those friends and acquaintances who can best promote your interests and goals in life. The eleventh house reflects your ability to enjoy communicating with other people. At the highest level, this House represents the harmonious collaboration of all people, each doing what best expresses their individuality. It is a house of idealism and vision.
1️⃣2️⃣TWELFTH HOUSE This is the House of Secrets, Sorrows, and Self-Undoing. It is the most mystical of all Houses, the last House, the end of the circle. It is not necessarily a negative and gloomy place, but it defines the limitations imposed on your life, including by yourself through self-destructive behavior. This House rules disappointments, accidents, troubles, and self-defeat. It rules invisible forces, secret enemies, escapes, shelters, hospitals, and prisons. The twelfth house is called the House of Karma, the House of spiritual debt because it contains the rewards and punishments for the deeds that a person does in this world. It is associated with psychic abilities and the possibility of finally discovering the meaning of life.
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