Our Sun Sign characteristics🌞Part 2️⃣
Hello to everyone 👋 I hope you are safe and feeling well💓
The last time we looked at a closer inspection of your Sun sign🌞, and also discussed its characteristics😊
But since this topic is quite big, we have divided it into three parts 1️⃣2️⃣3️⃣
In the last post, there was a description of Aries♈️, Taurus♉️, Gemini♊️, and Cancer♋️.
So let's continue to disclose the next signs🙂

Part 2️⃣: ♌️♍️♎️♏️
♌️Leo (July 23 – August 22)♌️:
Element - fire🔥
Part of the body ruled by Leo - Back, spine, and heart (emotional and physical overstrain cause diseases of the back and spine in Leo people);
Special color - Gold and Orange;
Your loyalty is unquestionable. You are devoted to yourself. All Leos own a kingdom. The kingdom can be big or small, it can be your home or any part of your creative work, or your entire career. If you invite people to your castle (which is how you think of your home), you entertain them royally👑
And while others are waiting for their turn, you are in the spotlight. When you walk into a room, you secretly hope that everyone will stand up and sing a few verses of the Hallelujah chorus!😁You're an order-giver, not an order-taker, but you’re usually so cheerful and enthusiastic so others don’t mind taking orders from you.
Like your Leo sign, you can be quite apathetic and lazy; you like to sit back and bask in your glory. Others see you as a show-off who just talks about the big game, but there is someone who sees something out of the ordinary in you. But you will take on any job to say: "I wasn't afraid to try!"🤩
♍️ Virgo (August 23 – September 22) ♍️:
Element - earth🌱
Part of the body ruled by Virgo - Nervous system and intestines (Virgoans are prone to diseases caused by stress and nervous tension. They are also particularly susceptible to ulcers);
Special color - Navy blue and Gray;
The real drama of the Virgo personality is the interior. To the world, you may give the impression of calm authority, but you are aware of your own nervous, restless, controlled intensity, the desire to be active and to do, to rebuild, improve👩🏽💻
For Virgos, it is impossible to put off until tomorrow what can be done today, or do later what can be done now. You are, in a word, organized. You are ambitious, but not only for money. You want to know more, gain wisdom and put that wisdom into practice🎩
You have an excellent memory, and an analytical mindset and are known for crystal-clear thinking. You also have a keen ability to examine human motives. Saying you feel "okay" covers a lot of messy feelings you don't want to explore🌓
People trust you with any work. They think of you as someone who can analyze almost any problem logically. However, you don't wear your heart on your sleeve, and as a result, those around you often perceive you as arrogant and cold🎭
♎️Libra (September 23 – October 22)♎️:
Element - air🌪
Part of the body ruled by Libra - Lower back, buttocks, kidneys (Libras suffer from overstrain of the lower back and problems in the lumbar region. They are also prone to kidney infections);
Special color - Blue and lavender;
Libras are easy to like because they have a magical charm, and elegant taste, and are generally beautiful to look at. Ruled by Venus, the goddess of love and beauty, you admire beauty in all its forms, in music, art, scenery, and people🎨
You want to be the centerpiece of any setting and have a computer memory for every compliment you've ever been told. You tend to judge others by their appearance. If someone has a charming facade, you won't look any deeper🔐
In the professional world, you are a great team player. You can unite many disparate egos into one harmonious union. People feel important when they are with you because you always understand their point of view⚖️
But one of Libra's most hidden secrets is how shaky your self-confidence is, and of course, your feelings of inferiority and putting up a false front are at the root of your insecurities. To some people, you also seem vain and overly concerned with your appearance🤍
♏️ Scorpio (October 23 – November 21) ♏️:
Element - water💦
Part of the body ruled by Scorpio - Genital organs (Scorpios are susceptible to infections of the urinary system and venereal diseases. In addition, their unstable emotions often cause exhaustion and feeling bad);
Special color - Crimson, burgundy, dark red: radiant colors of passion;
This is a sign of extremes. Scorpio people are variously described as powerful, weak, independent, clingy, passionate, and cold. The key to your personality is intensity. You may seem dispassionate, sometimes unapproachable, but in reality, you always have raging passions that are invisible on the surface🔮
You are also flexible when it comes to making decisions. Your sixth sense allows you to intuit things before they happen 🕉
You are blessed with a native understanding of the human heart and a great knowledge of the mysteries of life. You have great strength, determination and willpower🔱
Probably because of your secretiveness, people are very interested to know what you think and what is inside you. Many believe that even in your humor there is a grain of truth. People know about your reputation for sensuality and fantasize about you as a lover💞
So, we’re finished for today😁
⭐️Remember that each of you is unique and there is no better or worse⭐️
I hope you enjoyed the post and you're looking forward to the next, and last part about Sun sign characteristics😊
Also, you can write in the comments if these qualities are familiar to you (or perhaps you have friends with these zodiac signs and you noticed such qualities in them).
See you💖
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